Function calling for Llama 3.1 models!

Function Calling with Llama 3.1

In this example, we’ll demonstrate how to use function calling with the Llama 3.1 model (70B) using a custom system prompt. We’ll integrate a simple function called weatherTool, which the model will be able to call when appropriate. The function attributes will be defined, and we’ll use the special llama-agentic-system syntax from Meta to pass the function in the system prompt.

Here is a sample python code that demonstrates the function calling capabilities of Llama 3.1 using SambaNova Cloud APIs.

import json
import re
from openai import OpenAI
import os

# Constants and Configuration

MODEL = "llama3-70b"

# OpenAI client setup
client = OpenAI(base_url=BASE_URL, api_key=API_KEY)

# Weather tool definition
    "name": "get_current_weather",
    "description": "Get the current weather in a given location",
    "parameters": {
        "type": "object",
        "properties": {
            "location": {
                "type": "string",
                "description": "The city and state, e.g. San Francisco, CA",
        "required": ["location"],

# Tool prompt
You have access to the following functions:

Use the function '{WEATHER_TOOL["name"]}' to '{WEATHER_TOOL["description"]}':

If you choose to call a function ONLY reply in the following format with no prefix or suffix:

<function=example_function_name>{{"example_name": "example_value"}}</function>

- Function calls MUST follow the specified format, start with <function= and end with </function>
- Required parameters MUST be specified
- Only call one function at a time
- Put the entire function call reply on one line
- If there is no function call available, answer the question like normal with your current knowledge and do not tell the user about function calls

def get_current_weather(location: str) -> str:
    # This would be replaced by a weather API
    weather_data = {
        "San Francisco, CA": "62 degrees and cloudy",
        "Philadelphia, PA": "83 degrees and sunny",
    return weather_data.get(location, "Weather is unknown")

def parse_tool_response(response: str):
    function_regex = r"<function=(\w+)>(.*?)</function>"
    match =, response)

    if match:
        function_name, args_string = match.groups()
            args = json.loads(args_string)
            return {"function": function_name, "arguments": args}
        except json.JSONDecodeError as error:
            print(f"Error parsing function arguments: {error}")
            return None
    return None

def get_streaming_response(messages):
    response =
        model=MODEL, messages=messages, max_tokens=1024, temperature=0, stream=True
    return "".join(chunk.choices[0].delta.content or "" for chunk in response)

def main():
    messages = [
        {"role": "system", "content": TOOL_PROMPT},
        {"role": "user", "content": "What is the weather in San Francisco, CA?"},

    # Get initial response
    message = get_streaming_response(messages) #returns the function call 
    messages.append({"role": "assistant", "content": message})
    parsed_response = parse_tool_response(message)

    if parsed_response:
        available_functions = {"get_current_weather": get_current_weather}
        function_to_call = available_functions[parsed_response["function"]]
        weather = function_to_call(parsed_response["arguments"]["location"])
        messages.append({"role": "ipython", "content": weather})

        # Get final response
        final_message = get_streaming_response(messages)
        print("Answer from the LLM:", final_message)
        print("No function call found in the response")

if __name__ == "__main__":

In the first response, the model returns the function call string:

<function=get_current_weather>{"location": "San Francisco, CA"}</function>


To parse the function above, we have written a parse_tool_response function:

def parse_tool_response(response: str):
    function_regex = r"<function=(\w+)>(.*?)</function>"
    match =, response)

    if match:
        function_name, args_string = match.groups()
            args = json.loads(args_string)
            return {"function": function_name, "arguments": args}
        except json.JSONDecodeError as error:
            print(f"Error parsing function arguments: {error}")
            return None
    return None

Parsed Response

{'function': 'get_current_weather',
 'arguments': {'location': 'San Francisco, CA'}}

Calling the function

Now that the model has identified the function(s) to call and the corresponding parameters, we are executing the function and passing the results back to the model, allowing it to respond to the user.

def main():
    messages = [
        {"role": "system", "content": TOOL_PROMPT},
        {"role": "user", "content": "What is the weather in San Francisco, CA?"},

    # Get initial response
    print('1st prompt call')
    message = get_streaming_response(messages)
    print('first response', message)
    messages.append({"role": "assistant", "content": message})
    parsed_response = parse_tool_response(message)

    if parsed_response:
        available_functions = {"get_current_weather": get_current_weather}
        function_to_call = available_functions[parsed_response["function"]]
        weather = function_to_call(parsed_response["arguments"]["location"])
        messages.append({"role": "ipython", "content": weather})

        # Get final response
        final_message = get_streaming_response(messages)
        print("Answer from the LLM:", final_message)
        print("No function call found in the response")

Final Output

Answer from the LLM: The current weather in San Francisco, CA is 62 degrees and cloudy.

Note: We are actively working on implementing function calling via the API using the OpenAI-compatible method. You can expect an update from us in the near future.


Ankit great example . Thank you !!!