GoogleSheets and GoogleDocs integration


App Scripts intended for those with SambaCloud API keys to integrate LLMs into Google Workspaces

Getting Started:

  1. Sign up for an API key at SambaNova Cloud. It’s free and will give you access to the Llama 3 405B model.
  2. Open your document/sheet and select the menu item Extension > App Script
  3. Copy the respective JS script from this git repo SambaAI-Google-Integration for your Google application into the App Script window
  4. Replace the 0 in api_key = 0 with the API key in your email.

Google Documents Features

Highlight a piece of text, then go to the “SambaAI” menu item and select Clean grammar. This will fix any grammar issues in place.
Rephrase will append a new paragraph with a concise and professional rephrasing of the selected text.

Google Sheets Features

Type the custom function =SAMBA_AI_QUESTION() for general Llama3 use and =SAMBA_AI_FORMULA() when requesting for a specific formula from the model. Credit to SheetAI for the idea.

Example use cases include the following:
=SAMBA_AI_FORMULA("take B1 if A1 is true, but otherwise take C1, and add that result to D1")
=SAMBA_AI_QUESTION("What is the RSVP of this person: yes, no, or maybe? she said "&A10)
=SAMBA_AI_QUESTION("Which essay is more compelling? Prompt 1:"&A13&" Prompt 2:"&B13)


@leena.elzeiny Excellent share!!!

Welcome to the community and coming in strong with such a cool usage of our SambaNova Cloud as your first post . Kudos !



@leena.elzeiny This would have saved me a year of effort during my academic and corporate journey! Incredible job making this so seamless! I’m excited to see where this goes!