Is free tier going away?

With the addition of developer tier, is free tier completely going away? The recent email seems to suggest that it is.

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Hi @rzabounidis

Our free tier is indeed being transferred to the developer tier. To help with this transition we are offering $5 credit and an additional $5 if you are signed up to the community.

This will enable us to provide a much more performant cloud platform for all our developer users moving forward.


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Hello there,

How to become Dev Tier? I’m new member here, and there is no Tier Limit documentation yet?

Hi @febryanvaldo089

The free → dev tier switch over will happen upon release, all developer tier documentation to do with limits etc will be released for viewing upon the release also.

If you have any further questions please feel free to send me a message and I will answer where I can.


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Hello there,

Right now there is nothing. But could you take a look this thread Is there a way to get the available model names via HTTP request?


when is the switch going to happen?

Well, this is certainly sad news, though it’s understandable given the circumstances. It’s always tough to see something come to an end, especially when it’s been a part of this community’s journey for so long. I hope the transition goes as smoothly as possible and that the new changes bring about positive outcomes for everyone involved.

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Is it possible to retain the Free Tier but impose more restrictions, similar to Groq or Cerebras?
For example, limiting the maximum number of requests per day.
There are many competitors offering purely paid services, but providing an API with limited daily usage would attract more users.

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We do not currently have a specific date set in stone yet, however I would expect more news soon.

Thanks for your comment - We hope that this change will bring in a better platform going forward for the members of our developer users/community!

We do not have any current plans to maintain the free tier in any state. However I am happy to pass on any feedback we get in the community for any further plans we may have. Thank you.

@SambaNova Well I just want to say thank you for the generous free tier for as long as it lasted, and for growing the context size. This helped me enormously while building an MVP - which I hope to deploy to production and process here.


I hope the free tier can be retained, and I also hope that future payments will support Alipay.

Sounds fantastic, we look forward to seeing it!!

I will certainly pass on the feedback, thank you.

I have been looking forward to Developer tier for quite a while.
Since it is simply impossible to create a product, targeting more than a dozen of users without stable ecosystem and high throughput. So I hope for Developer tier its possible to have MUCH higher rate limit for consecutive requests.

I like your product so much, but still cant use it just due to that one limitation :smiley:


Limit concurrency to free developers, not speed

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@rzabounidis @febryanvaldo089 @kollikiran456 @vibright10 @pcchen @selenium39 @gothicnn @NB2025

The Dev Tier is launched !

Review the information in this blog post and the associated links :

My Favorite parts is the section that shows ways to earn free credits :smile: .
