SambaNova Cloud API Reference


Create chat completions

Creates a model response for the given chat conversation.


Request body


Parameter Definition Type Values
model The name of the model to query. string Refer to the Model List.
messages A list of messages comprising the conversation so far. array of objects Array of message objects, each containing:
role (string, required): The role of the messages author. Choice between: system, user, or assistant.
content (string, required): The contents of the message.
max_tokens The maximum number of tokens to generate. integer The total length of input tokens and generated tokens is limited by the model’s context length. Default value is the context length of the model.
temperature Determines the degree of randomness in the response. float The temperature value can be between 0 and 1.
top_p The top_p (nucleus) parameter is used to dynamically adjust the number of choices for each predicted token based on the cumulative probabilities. float The value can be between 0 and 1.
top_k The top_k parameter is used to limit the number of choices for the next predicted word or token. int The top k value can be between 1 to 100.
stop Up to 4 sequences where the API will stop generating further tokens. string, array or null Default is null.
stream If set, partial message deltas will be sent boolean or null Default is false.
stream_option Options for streaming response. Only set this when you set stream: true. object or null Default is null.

Available Options:
include_usage: boolean


Below is a sample request body for a streaming response.

   "messages": [
      {"role": "system", "content": "Answer the question in a couple sentences."},
      {"role": "user", "content": "Share a happy story with me"}
   "max_tokens": 800,
   "stop": ["[INST", "[INST]", "[/INST]", "[/INST]"],
   "model": "Meta-Llama-3.1-8B-Instruct",
   "stream": true, 
   "stream_options": {"include_usage": true}


The API returns a chat completion object , or a streamed sequence of chat completion chunk objects, if the request is streamed.

Chat completion object

Represents a chat completion response returned by model, based on the provided input.


Property Type Description
id string A unique identifier for the chat completion.
choices array A list containing a single chat completion.
created integer The Unix timestamp (in seconds) of when the chat completion was created. Each chunk has the same timestamp.
model string The model used to generate the completion.
object string The object type, which is always chat.completion.
usage object An optional field present when stream_options: {"include_usage": true} is set.
When present, it contains a null value except for the last chunk, which contains the token usage statistics for the entire request.

Values returned are:
throughput_after_first_token: The rate (as tokens per second) at which output tokens are generated after the first token has been delivered
time_to_first_token: The time (in seconds) model takes to generate the first token
model_execution_time: The time (in seconds) to generate a complete response or all tokens
output_tokens_count: Number of tokens generated in the response.
input_tokens_count: Number of tokens in the input prompt.
total_tokens_count: The sum of input and output tokens.<br•- queue_time: The time (in seconds) a request spends waiting in the queue before being processed by the model.


  "id": "chatcmpl-123",
  "object": "chat.completion",
  "created": 1677652288,
  "model": "Llama-3-8b-chat",
  "choices": [{
    "index": 0,
    "message": {
      "role": "assistant",
      "content": "\n\nHello there, how may I assist you today?",
    "logprobs": null,
    "finish_reason": "stop"

Chat completion chunk object

Represents a streamed chunk of a chat completion response returned by model, based on the provided input.


Property Type Description
id string A unique identifier for the chat completion.
choices array A list containing a single chat completion.
created integer The Unix timestamp (in seconds) of when the chat completion was created. Each chunk has the same timestamp.
model string The model used to generate the completion.
object string The object type, which is always chat.completion.
usage object An optional field present when stream_options: {"include_usage": true} is set.
When present, it contains a null value except for the last chunk, which contains the token usage statistics for the entire request.

Values returned are:
throughput_after_first_token: The rate (as tokens per second) at which output tokens are generated after the first token has been delivered.
time_to_first_token: The time (in seconds) the model takes to generate the first token.
model_execution_time: The time (in seconds) to generate a complete response or all tokens.
output_tokens_count: Number of tokens generated in the response.
input_tokens_count: Number of tokens in the input prompt.
total_tokens_count: The sum of input and output tokens.
queue_time: The time (in seconds) a request spends waiting in the queue before being processed by the model.


  "id": "chatcmpl-123",
  "object": "chat.completion.chunk",
  "created": 1694268190,
  "model": "Llama-3-8b-chat",
  "system_fingerprint": "fp_44709d6fcb",
  "choices": [
      "index": 0,
      "delta": {},
      "logprobs": null,
      "finish_reason": "stop"