Cyberbullying and Online Harassment is one of the major issues in this Digital Modern Time which often leave people Emotionally, Mentally and Physically retarded as this can lead to people taking their own lives.
This Cyberbullying and Online Harassment is a pandemic. According to a Research by the Pew Research Center(Teens and Cyberbullying 2022), Some 32% of teen girls in U.S. have experienced two or more types of online harassment asked about in this survey, while 24% of teen boys in U.S. say the same.
A research published by U.S. Department of Education (.gov) further stressed on the Cyberbullying Menance .
According to UNICEF Poll, 33% of adolescents in 30 counties were victims of online bullying (UNICEF, 2019) while the Pew Research Center reported that 59% of U.S. youth had experience with cyberbullying such as offensive name calling, rumor spreading, and receiving unwanted images (Anderson, 2018). Moreover, a Microsoft study (2012) found that 70% of adolescents in China were bullied online, followed by Singapore (58%), and India (53%) and many more.
The ancient or traditional approach to tackle cyberbullying, such as education campaigns and reactive disciplinary measures etc. has little or no effect…
However, there is a good news, with introduction of Artificial Intelligence (AI) like Sambanova AI, there is now new, super advanced ways to proactively detect, mitigate, and prevent cyberbullying and online harassment.
What it does
In Social Media Space, Cyberbullying and Online Harassment often occurred in Post and Comments section with the most common types being receiving offensive name-calling (41%) and having rumors spread about them online (32%) (Anderson, 2021).
Social Network Spark is an application designed to detect and prevents online bullying in a Social Media Post, Comments etc. It also help users to easily understand and analyze each Social Media Posts.
The Application leverages Sambanova AI to perform the following tasks listed below:
- To detect and flag any bully or offensive Post Contents and automatically notify the Site Admin for immediate Action.
- To detect and flag any bully or offensive Comments and automatically notify the Site Admin for immediate Action.
Consequently, to provide more insights into Social Media Post analysis and understanding. The Application also leverages Sambanova AI to perform the following tasks listed below:
- Summarization: This Components allows Users to summarize length Social Media Posts saving you Time & Energy.
- Translation: This Components allows Users to translate Social Media Posts from one language to another thus making the Posts content available in the Users Native Language(UNL) for easy understanding.
- Sentiments Analysis: This Components allows Users to run Social Media Posts sentimental analysis to ascertain Social Media Posts Negativity(User being Angry), Positivity(User being Happy) or Neutralitiy(User being Mild) in their Post Contents.
- Keywords Analysis: This Components allows Users to pin-point all the necessary Keywords, Keyphrases found in the Social Media Posts . This makes Social Media Posts Comprehension more easier than ever…
How we built it
Application Live Testing:
Vimeo Video Demo:
Github Code: