I’m trying to use CrewAI, where I provide rate limits. Does anyone know a best practice for eliminating the 429 errors that often interrupt the flow of agents?
Higher rate limits are provided through our other paid tiers. The team is working hard to get the developer tier up as soon as they can. You can also connect with our team to see if the Enterprise tier makes sense for your needs.
Thanks. Since my application is not time-critical, a rate limiter function would be sufficient. Alternatively, I’m creating a custom implementation outside of Crewai.
hi, the developer tier will make sense, as we would like to pay. hope it beats major provider pricings that will be more than sufficient. regards
hey pardon late reply,
the preferred way of handling rate limits seems to be this python package called tenacity,
this is used by chromadb, openai internally. and god knows what other packages.
i found this by inspecting the source and resolved the 429 problem for good.
let me know if any challenges faced.
Thanks for your time to answer the question.
Finally I decided to start minimize my code dependencies, such langchain or crewai.
I wrote a code which solve my errors, as it parametrized by the Sambanova official limits.
Over the weekend I will share the code at a public GitHub repository.
You could solve the rate limit issue in a similar way to portkey, Litellm, not diamond and open router. When solving for rate limits, it is a good idea to also handle other exceptions like network disruption, context length limit. Whether production is the planned end environment or not, you also want to implement observability, a specific repeatable evaluation system and handle caching